Elizabeth I
The map below is supplementary material for the course Elizabeth I.
In 1575 Elizabeth paid a 19-day visit to Kenilworth Castle, the Warwickshire home of Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester. Throughout her visit the queen was kept entertained by a series of specially written pageants and other entertainments, including an Italian acrobat, firework displays and bear-baiting. The running theme of the festivities was that of marriage, which has led some historians to understand the visit as Leicester’s last effort to woo the queen. Others are more doubtful, questioning whether Leicester truly believed he could still win the queen’s hand at this late stage. Some have suggested that Kenilworth was something of a final ultimatum from Leicester to the queen: marry me or let me go.
You can follow the route taken by the queen on the map below, and see more information by clicking on each marker.